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Malaysia must have a sense of fairness           ★★★ 【字体:
Malaysia must have a sense of fairness
作者:佚名    论文来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2008-12-11    

● 陈秀銮By Chen Xiuluan


  Recently, I came across a commentary by Zhang Muqin in

the Nanyang Siang Pau which a friend had brought from Kuala

Lumpur (The article was reproduced in Lianhe Zaobao on

September 21-ed). I agree with what he wrote. As a Malaysian

citizen, I (as well as many other compatriots working here

in Singapore) am not being unsupportive of my own country,

but I do believe reason comes before loyalty.


  I do not see anything wrong with Senior Minister Lee

Kuan Yew publishing his memoirs. Prime Minister Mahathir

says the memoirs have angered the Malaysian people. As a

Malaysian, I do not feel particularly angered in any way! In

truth, he should have said the memoirs had angered himself,

for he seems to be the one who is reacting the most

violently. He is only using the Malaysian people as a

pretext, and my ignorant compatriots are being made use of

by him.


  In his commentary, Zhang Muqin mentioned that SM Lee

chose his 75th birthday to launch his memoirs. Why should he

even consider whether the launch would clash with the foul

moods of those who have lost money in the stock market! In

contrast, I find Singaporeans more rational. Despite them

having foul moods after their Malaysian stocks were stolen

from under their noses, they still managed to celebrate

their leader's birthday. And they did not blame anyone at

all. Aren't we Malaysians a petty lot! From time to time,

when our leaders speak about cutting off other people's

water supply and some other unreasonable matters, they are

the ones who are not taking other people's feelings into



  Recently, when I read what (the Economic Adviser to the

Malaysian Government) Mr Daim Zainuddin said about Singapore

on the closing of CLOB—"They didn't listen to us, they

thought we were idiots." — I did not know what to think. It

is hard to fathom that a leader of a country could utter

such words. It was no different from how a child would



  I feel that if my country's government is out to get the

Singapore government, then challenge them directly! Stop all

this squabbling, which is most undignified. Malaysia's

priority should be solving the nation's economic problems,

and not putting the blame on others.


  As for Transport Minister Dr Ling Liong Sik, you had

better wake up and smell the coffee. What have you done for

the Chinese Malaysians except to fan the flames and stoke up

fires everywhere you go!


  And a word to Johor UMNO Youth: There is no need to ban

Lee Kuan Yew from entering Malaysia. Even if you roll out

your best red carpet, he will not deign to go to Malaysia.

Just like us Malaysians working in Singapore who are not so

keen to go back.


  It is indeed fortunate that even under these

circumstances, we Malaysian workers are accepted here. At least Singaporeans do not make things difficult for us.This is something Malaysians are not capable of doing.   We are luckier than the Singaporeans in Malaysia. For instance, the booing of the Singaporean contingent by our citizens during the Commonwealth Games showed up our total lack of sportsmanship. To think that our leaders were so pleased with what was going on!   ( The writer is a Malaysian working in Singapore )   
    朋友最近从吉隆坡带来一份《南洋商报》,无意中读到张木钦的 评论(编者按:本报于9月21日在《言论》版转载了这篇文章),我 很赞同他的看法。身为马来西亚公民的我(甚至还有很多在新加坡工 作的同胞们),并不是不支持祖国,而是帮理不帮亲。   对于李光耀资政出版的回忆录,我也深感没什么不对。马哈迪首 相说这激怒了马公民,身为马公民的我并不觉得被激怒了!其实应该 说是激怒了他本身才对,因为反应最激烈的就是他。他只不过把人民 拿来作挡箭牌而已,无知的同胞们就这样的被利用了。   张先生提到李资政在庆祝75岁大寿时发布该书,难道还要考虑别 人输了股票心情不好吗!相反,这方面我觉得新加坡人就显得理智些 ,因为他们的马股最近被人偷了。在这种很糟透的心情下,还替他们 的领袖庆祝生日,也没有埋怨任何人,是不是显得我们有点小家子气 呢?还有,我们的领袖在发表言论时,也不时提到要切断人家的水供 及其他不合理的事时,有没有考虑到别人的感受呢?   最近更看到我们的(政府经济顾问)达因先生,针对自撮股市关 闭一事,讲了这么一句话:“(新加坡)不听我们的话,以为我们是 笨蛋”。这更是令人啼笑皆非。作为一个国家的领袖,很难想象这样 的话是由他讲出来的,这跟小孩子有什么分别?   我觉得如果我国政府是冲着新加坡政府而来,那么就向他们提出 挑战吧!不要吵来吵去,有失君子风度。国难当前应该先解决经济问 题,而不是埋怨任何人。尤其是交通部长林良实医生应该醒一醒,你 对马国华人做了些什么呢!只会拿着一把扇子到处煽风。柔佛巫青团 也不用禁止李光耀入境马来西亚,就算你用八大轿子请他来,他也未 必想来。就好像我们这些马公民在新加坡工作后,为什么不想回自己 的祖国一样。   很庆幸的,是我们这些在新加坡工作的马公民在这种情况下,还 是受到新加坡的认同。至少新加坡没有为难我们,我们比起在马来西 亚的新加坡公民幸运多了,这是马来西亚所做不到的。就拿共和联邦 运动会来说吧!我国公民向新加坡运动员喝倒彩一事就可看得出,我 们的体育精神去了哪里?我们的领袖还沾沾自喜呢!

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